» To Learn is to live!
No matter your background of affiliation, if you're curious about observing more mitzvot or simply seeking a better understanding of Jewish culture and tradition, we have the place for you. Choose from an ever growing range of programs designed to offer serious Jewish learning. Created for the needs of the community, our programs meet all levels. All classes are presented at a comfortable pace and there's always something for everyone.
You'll find expert and dynamic instructors along with engaging intellectual climate for learning that stimulates and encourages questions, dialogue and critical thinking. The lectures are relevant, inspirational and often include lively in-class discussions. New and exciting courses each semester provide you with a continuing learning series that give access to the wealth of Jewish scholarship, and practical instruction about the basic obligations of Jewish life.
Sushi & Study
Discover the pragmatic and mystical messages encrypted into the Hebrew Scriptures of the weekly Torah portion. By carefully reading the original Hebrew text (with simultaneous English translation) through the prism of Rashi’s classic commentary, this class lays bare some of the Torah’s most fascinating secrets.
Contact us for available time of study
Please join us in our weekly Torah classes listed below!
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